Extreme weather has a terrible effect on animals. Here’s what is being done to keep them safe.

In Mexico, at least 138 dead howler monkeys were found since May 16 during a heatwave which reached 113°F on Tuesday.

The extreme heat brought on by the current climate has claimed the lives of monkeys who have been reported to be falling out of trees like apples. El Niño cycle, which has dire effects on both humans and animal alike. Gilberto Pozo of the Associated Press said that the animals were in a serious state of dehydration. They died within a few minutes.

Yahoo News spoke with Nikhil Advani. Senior director for wildlife resilience and climate change at the World Wildlife Fund.

El NiñoClimate change has caused unprecedented heat in recent years, which has exacerbated a global warming phenomenon that occurs every few years. This causes significant fluctuations in temperatures and other weather disruptions.

Advani explained how this combination has proved fatal to a variety wildlife, including the Howler Monkeys, primates primarily found in Central America and South America. They are known for having a distinctive roar.

Advani explained, “All species have a temperature threshold within which they can tolerate.” “In this case, the temperatures are clearly above those thresholds.”

Advani said animals have adapted to the heat by moving to new places and changing their body size. For some species such as sea turtles in ColombiaTemperature changes have also led to an imbalance in the sex ratios which disrupts mating.

Advani said that extreme weather events such as severe flooding, cyclones, and hurricanes, can also lead to a shortage of food in many animals.

“All of these factors impact species in different ways,” he said. “We are seeing species going extinct due to climate change impacts.”

Climate change also causes ocean temperatures to increase, resulting in bleaching of approximately 63% of coral reefs around the world. Coral can become pale during these events and even die. The destruction affects other living organisms that depend on coral.

“In the places where we have coral reef systems, they are the foundation of the ecosystem there … they are the lifeblood of that ecosystem,” said Advani. “If we lose the coral reef, there will be a drastic reduction in species diversity.”

Advani explained that once the El Niño season ends, flooding, droughts and extreme heat won’t be as severe as what we’re seeing now. Climate change is causing these cycles to worsen in the long term.

Advani said that climate change is here to stay. “We tend to look at El Niño years as a proxy for how bad things could get potentially within even a decade or two.”

Conservationists work on a variety of issues. research You can also find out more about the following: initiatives Reduce the negative effects of climate changes on wildlife.

WWF claims to have funded 25 projects worldwide, including the Wildlife Adaptation Innovation Fund They include: These include:

  • Improve nest design for birds

  • Providing artificial shade structures around watering holes

  • Controlling sand temperature to protect sea turtles

  • Additional water sources for animals

Advani pointed out that it’s possible that some solutions won’t work because creatures might have trouble adapting to the human-made solutions. WWF tests out the solution first on a small scale, and then expands it if it is successful.

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